Friday, June 23, 2017

The Status Report!!!

Hello Lovely People,

I hope you are making a splash into the weekend. It has been a little while since my last post. I have been a busy little bee working on my book Rise Of The Legacy. Looking for editors for ROTL and LH. I also been looking for beta readers and doing some personal edits and making sure I don't have any plot holes. I am still in the editing phase of ROTL. I had an inspire idea not too long ago about 'world-crossing' setting so they work for several book series so I have been tweaking the ROTL, POAH, and Eden. Later down the line I will at some point do a series and the MCs will be Alyssa twin sisters  and another maybe MC being Yvonne's twin brother as of right now its just idea for two spin off series that's not in development. I have been working on my Two Books One Goal Campaign. I have also been deciding which book projects out of my open and new projects I want for self-publishing and which projects I want to go into traditional publishing with. Speaking of which I have created a new page on my website, Book Projects Status Report so you don't always have to refer to the FAQs plus I color coded the projects so you can know the status in real time. I thought it be a fun way to know the status of current and upcoming projects. Easy updates...simplifying the latest update with the BPSR (Book Projects Status Report), so I hope you enjoy. Authors  if you like it feel free to try it for your projects.



❤ R