Friday, September 23, 2016

The Right. The Wrong. The Popular. The Art of Our Thoughts.

Hello Lovely People,

I hope you have a lovely day and enjoy the upcoming weekend. I have been working on completing the new edition of Entrapment as well as another old project made new more details on old new project coming soon.

Today I will be touching on a sensitive topic. The choices and decisions we make everyday.😊😌

The Right. The Wrong. The Popular. The Art of Our Thoughts.

So many times we waver in our choices.  Sometimes we waver because we care of what friends, family, or the world thinks. By doing so it affects the way we think and feel.  For along time I believed you should not care what anyone else thinks except what family thinks. Because of the results of recent events I took a look into my past how the decisions in the past I made came about. Some solely my choice and my mistakes to bare and I've learned from them,  but their are some choices that was influenced by people family in particular that they felt they knew what was best for me especially from elementary to high school years. I always thought something was off about that. As well meaning as some thought they are and still think they are they are not. Not really not in the ways that matter. 

Then I realized in the mist of all that I forgot to listen to my own voice over anything else. I have the power within me to make my life the way I want it to be. It is said the ones that love you the most will be the ones that hurt you the most. There is a kernel of falseness in that statement though. I can choose how I react to the negativity and why they try to discourage the path to me achieving my goals and dreams. I choose now and forevermore to trust myself and instincts and believe in my dreams no matter how things appear or what anyone says, or people trying to tell me how I should be or how I should be in my life.

So this past year of I've been on a journey of taking back my power and having unwavering faith no matter how many naysayers I come up against. In the 26 I have been on this earth people have tried to use my weaknesses, my dreams, and undermine my beliefs and try to manipulate me and using my kindness against me. I am glad that the situations I faced as a kid  and early 20's taught me how to read people very well otherwise I would always be easily fooled  by people. People  I don't trust or like enough I will not reveal what I am really thinking to them. It is why most of the time I choose to do what is right over what is popular. So people going after your dreams ignore the naysayers. If you believe & you know what's best  for you believe in your power that you can make it happen the rest will speak for it self.

The right and fair choice is always better than the popular or wrong choice. Everyone wants to be attentively loved and/or accepted, and many will undermine their own morality/ethics to make sure they get it or to have the feeling of it. I never really understood that. That may or may not be the reason why I keep my circle small. Your self worth will always be reflected in how you choose to be. I believe and respect and doing what is right above all else and Karma's a bitch and the people will that wronged me will get what's coming to them. 

I am also have a temper and low tolerance for two types of people the rude/disrespectful kind and people that belittle, bully, and  people that think they are higher than someone else because of there current title, status, race, or  amount of money they currently.have in life. You are no better than anyone or of more importance than the next person. When the title, status, race, money is stripped away what are you? Who are you? You are a human. You are not defined by title, status, race, or money. You are defined by the character and personality of your being. Our society today reflects prejudice, racism, judgmental assholes, and ignorance out of  fear and misunderstandings.

Why is that? It the result of the residual of the ethos, pathos, and logos of every human on this planet. It can be changed in the blink of our eyes if you change the way we use our thoughts, emotions, ethical reasoning of our being in a positive way. We the power in all of us to make the right choice. All decisions creates ripples. My lovely people, be the  love, joy, peace, and laughter you want to see in the world. Call me crazy all you want, but I never been crazy a day in my life. If that makes you sleep at night to think less of me or belittle that's your prerogative not mine. I will still be me.

***excerpt from Lyrical Heart***




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